Saturday, October 31, 2009

Relaxation Hypnosis

In this fast paced world it's difficult to find time to relax. Being always available (in your work or to your friends with the latest gadgets) leaves you with extremely little time for only you. But it only takes a few minutes to really see the changes relaxation hypnosis can give you, so you should really take a little effort and reserve some time for you only by just turning of your cell phones, telling your secretary to hold off any disturbances or simply locking your doors. Time you "spend" this way will be returned tenfolds with the extra energy you will receive.

When talking about relaxation in hypnosis, relaxation is usually used to induce hypnosis, but can also be a goal on its own. When inducing hypnosis, relaxation is a prerequisite and is usually (though not with rapid hypnosis techniques) used in the beginning of the induction. So if you get nothing else from relaxation, you will become more confident that you can achieve deeper levels of self hypnosis which which will be beneficial to you.

There are many ways to achieve relaxation (one example is a you tube video below) and while some prefer to listen to hypnotic tapes, others don't. If you don't have access to music material, here is one way to achieve relaxation hypnosis.

* Sit in a chair with your hand and legs uncrossed

* Close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you inhale, imagine positive energy flowing into your body and as you exhale, imagine all the stress going out of your body.

* Start at the bottom and relax each part of your body. Take your time, for example don't just relax your face. Go through each muscle until you are completely relaxed.

* When you feel relaxed, tell yourself you will fall into a trance when you count to 5. Give yourself a duration of the hypnosis, let's say 3 minutes. Should you achieve trance, you should wake up in 3 minutes, fully refreshed. Some people have a harder time going into hypnosis than others, so if you don't achieve trance, just keep practicing. When you are good enough, you will be able to achieve certain phenomena like arm levitation, post hypnotic suggestions and others.

Alternatively, you could try getting into a trance using hypnosis tapes. There are many examples found on you tube, here is one of them. Remember to have fun doing this!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Handshake induction

The handshake induction technique has been developed by Milton H. Erickson and than popularized by other hypnotist (such has Richard Bandler). The basic premise of this technique is that people do certain movements unconsciously but consciously think of them as a single move. Handshake greeting is one such thing. In the Western culture (mind you that other cultures, for example Japanese,have different greetings) people usually greet each other by shaking hands, and in the conscious mind of the person doing the act of greeting,is doing just one thing. When doing a handshake induction (called also a handshake interrupt), hypnotist can utilize the fact that the handshake greeting actually consists of several moves.

The goal is therefore to interrupt the pattern and induce trance like state. The induction starts with a normal handshake greetings, but just before hands are joined, hypnotist removes his hand and with the other hand's finger points to the subjects hands. He thus sets the subject's attention to his hand and tells him to see the changing focus in his hand. He continues by saying that there is an attraction between subject's hand and his face and when the hand touches the fact, the subjects will fall into a deep trance. After that is achieved, hypnotist can use some should use his hypnotic voice to deepen the trance.

In some cases, hypnotist can give subject amnesia for the time of the hypnosis. When bringing the subject out from the state of hypnosis, if he continues with the handshake as if the handshake hypnotic induction did not occur, some subjects will not remember the hypnosis at all. Combined with suggesting the subject not to remember the hypnosis when he is being hypnotized provide for a greater chance of success of amnesia.

The beauty of a handshake induction, besides its simplicity, is that even if the subject knows this technique, he or should could still be put into a trance using this technique. This makes a handshake inductions a great tool to use when trying to put people into a trance.

Below is a youtube video example for this method. There are some variations of this hypnosis induction technique, so there are different variations, but the basic premise is the same- to interrupt the unconscious patterns.

Ericksonian hypnosis induction

Milton H. Erickson is one of the pioneers in the field of modern hypnosis. He grew up in Lowell, Wisconsin and had been handicap with many disadvantages (he was dyslexic, color blind and contracted polio when he was 17). Even though he was severely paralysed he even used this to develop a great hypnosis induction technique, called a handshake interrupt, but we shall get there in a minute. He was a good medical student that got involved with psychiatry quite early and got his psychology degree while still studying medicine. During his lifetime he established himself as a profound hypnotherapist and was 78 years old when he died in March 1980.

Milton was a master of hypnotic speech. One of his hypnosis induction technique was the so called confusion technique. He confused a person with endless and complex sentences, ambiguous words and pattern interruptions to put people in a trance. Milton claimed that this technique was applicable even if patients were in pain or were hostile and resistant.

Among one of the most successful method he used was a handshake induction.The idea behind this technique is that person initiates a hand shake but before he shakes hand, he interrupts the move in some way, for example by grabbing the person's wrist instead. This gives a hypnotist a small window of time when the other person is confused, because his unconscious move has been interrupted. Hypnotist takes advantage of this in getting a subject into a trance rather easily. One of the founder of neuro linguistic programming, Richard Bandler, often uses this technique, and we can see the utilization of this technique in Derren Browns shows as well.

Milton also hypnotized people by telling meaningful stories. He would begin with one story, but before he ended it, he would start another and repeat the process with perhaps another story. He would than conclude the stories in order to achieve trance in his subjects. The method is widely used is some of NLP's practitioners seminars, such as Richard Bandler organizes.

There are more hypnosis induction techniques that Milton used (it must be said that these and other techniques require a mentionable degree of improvisation), but this should give you a general idea of the way this pioneer worked. This methods had a great effect on other hypnotists and a high success rate of these methods are a clear indication why they are still used today.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hypnosis induction

One should be aware that most of the processes or body does are not done consciously. For example, you can not regulate your blood pressure, but unconscious mind does that for you. Or to take a more common example- it would be extremely difficult if you should try to drive a car using your conscious mind. When you are driving, you do not think about the pressure of your foot on the accelerator or break pedals. You do not think where on which pedals your left or right foot should be at specific time (you do not think, ah I will have to stop soon, so I should put my left leg on the breaking pedal, apply moderate pressure and so on). Your unconscious mind does that for you. Though this is a simple example, your unconscious mind also regulates other functions in your body. A lot of fears are quite irrational, and by harnessing the power of your unconscious mind you can get over them. And in order to use your unconscious mind, you need to induce hypnosis.

There are numerous hypnosis induction techniques, one of the first developed being an eye-fixation method, known as the James Braid Eye-Fixation Hypnotic Induction Method. The method is now days not used as much, and I'll be covering mostly methods developed by NLP (neuro linguistic programming) practitioners. NLP uses various hypnosis induction methods to make your life better.

Everyone can achieve at least some level of hypnosis. Think about when you are driving on a freeway and than getting off it. You might perceive it only as a short travel, yet when you look at your watch, you see that you had been driving for a very long time. The occurrence of a driving trance is somewhat easily achieved, but there are problems in achieving hypnosis so easily. Many people think they can't draw simply because they they were in some form of a trance when their teachers told them that they are no good in drawing. People become much more susceptible under hypnosis and that can be dangerous.

Still, if done in a professional way, inducing hypnosis can be extremely beneficial for a person. The good thing about it is, that you can do it your self and make lasting changes in the way you work, manage relationships and incite good feeling in our self at any given time. Even if one can achieve simple relaxation, it is a good start to make lasting changes in your life.