Saturday, October 31, 2009

Relaxation Hypnosis

In this fast paced world it's difficult to find time to relax. Being always available (in your work or to your friends with the latest gadgets) leaves you with extremely little time for only you. But it only takes a few minutes to really see the changes relaxation hypnosis can give you, so you should really take a little effort and reserve some time for you only by just turning of your cell phones, telling your secretary to hold off any disturbances or simply locking your doors. Time you "spend" this way will be returned tenfolds with the extra energy you will receive.

When talking about relaxation in hypnosis, relaxation is usually used to induce hypnosis, but can also be a goal on its own. When inducing hypnosis, relaxation is a prerequisite and is usually (though not with rapid hypnosis techniques) used in the beginning of the induction. So if you get nothing else from relaxation, you will become more confident that you can achieve deeper levels of self hypnosis which which will be beneficial to you.

There are many ways to achieve relaxation (one example is a you tube video below) and while some prefer to listen to hypnotic tapes, others don't. If you don't have access to music material, here is one way to achieve relaxation hypnosis.

* Sit in a chair with your hand and legs uncrossed

* Close your eyes and take a deep breath. As you inhale, imagine positive energy flowing into your body and as you exhale, imagine all the stress going out of your body.

* Start at the bottom and relax each part of your body. Take your time, for example don't just relax your face. Go through each muscle until you are completely relaxed.

* When you feel relaxed, tell yourself you will fall into a trance when you count to 5. Give yourself a duration of the hypnosis, let's say 3 minutes. Should you achieve trance, you should wake up in 3 minutes, fully refreshed. Some people have a harder time going into hypnosis than others, so if you don't achieve trance, just keep practicing. When you are good enough, you will be able to achieve certain phenomena like arm levitation, post hypnotic suggestions and others.

Alternatively, you could try getting into a trance using hypnosis tapes. There are many examples found on you tube, here is one of them. Remember to have fun doing this!

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